We offer a range of specific additional modules that meet the special requirements of professional cleaning with their innovative solutions. The TURNADO® technology features a flexible brush head that rotates endlessly by 360 degrees. This allows for efficient cleaning in all directions, as well as in reverse.
The VARIOTECH® technology features a wing arm that extends independently beyond the width of the cleaning machine and adapts to changing floor profiles. This enables easy cleaning of both hard-to-reach areas, such as niches and spaces under shelves or handrails, as well as narrow passages and large areas.


Our VARIOTECH® technology introduces a new dimension in machine floor cleaning in terms of flexibility and cost-effectiveness. With this technology, the working width of the scrub and suction units automatically adjusts to changing floor profiles while driving. This allows you to clean both narrow passages and large areas – with full working width – using the same machine. Manual cleaning of previously hard-to-reach areas, such as niches or under overhead structures, is minimized. This not only saves you time but also money.
Labor costs account for up to 90% of total cleaning costs. With the variable working width of the VARIOTECH® technology for scrubbing and suction, overall costs can be reduced by up to 30%.


With the BLUE-SAVE function, you save resources and protect the environment at the push of a button. In the cleaning process, not all functions require full power. This not only helps the environment but also saves you money.
When BLUE-SAVE is activated, certain functions that do not require full power are operated at a lower level with the push of a button.
For example:
- Reduced water usage for environmentally friendly cleaning
- Reduced speed for lower power consumption and longer battery life
- Reduced suction power for less noise and lower energy consumption
- Reduced use of chemicals for environmentally friendly cleaning
This results in less wear and tear, longer maintenance cycles, reduced consumption of cleaning agents and fresh water, as well as a longer machine lifespan.